Port Charlotte Cleaning Service - Mighty kklene (941) 628-3891

Port Charlotte Cleaning Service - Mighty kklene (941) 628-3891

Monday, August 3, 2009

Basic-H Is A Great Versatile Cleaner.

Basic-H® Uses

General Cleaning - 5 mL in 1 L (1 teaspoon in 1 quart) of
warm water for walls, woodwork, ceilings, kitchen appliances,
furniture, bathroom, and fixtures. Leaves refrigerators odour-
free. Windows, Mirrors, All Glass - 2-4 drops in 0.5 L (1 pint)
of water. Glass will smear if more than the recommended amount
of Basic-H® is used.

Dishes - 5-10 mL in 4.5 L (1-2 teaspoons in 1 gallon) of water.

Pots and Pans - 15 mL in 4.5 L (1 tablespoon in 1 gallon) of
water. Let stand to loosen stuck-on particles.

Floors - 15-30 mL in 4.5 L (1-2 tablespoons in 1 gallon) of
cool water. Leaves surfaces shiny.

Kitchen Floors - 2.5 mL in 1 L (1/2 teaspoon in 1 quart) of
warm water to clean without polishing. To remove wax buildup,
use Basic-I® Concentrated Industrial Cleaner.

Dusting - 1.25 mL in 0.5 L (1/4 teaspoon in 1 pint) of water.
Pour solution onto a sponge and squeeze to almost dry, or spray
on a clean cloth and wipe. Leaves bright, non-magnetic surface,
which will not attract dust.

Fruit and Vegetables (including baking potatoes) - 1.25 mL (1/4
teaspoon) in a basin of water. Wash, then rinse thoroughly with
filtered water to remove residues of sprays and grime. To crisp
lettuce, use 2 or 3 drops in a bowl of water.

Woolens, Nylons and All Fine Fabrics - 5 mL (1 teaspoon) in a
basin of lukewarm water. For spots, apply 1-2 drops directly on
the spot and press in with thumb, then immerse item in a
solution of 5 mL (1 teaspoon) of Basic-H® per 4.5 L (1 gallon)
of cold water. Allow to stand a few minutes, then rinse by
squeezing water through. Dry flat.

Spot Remover - Apply a very small amount directly to the spot
and use a soft toothbrush to rub in, then wipe off with a damp
cloth or rinse. Removes lipstick, coffee, ink, grass, and
grease. Electric Coffeemaker - 1.25 mL (1/4 teaspoon) in a pot
of water. Run through cycle and rinse.

Ironing - A few drops in a steam iron will keep the jet and
interior clean, and make steam wetter. Keeps iron free of
mineral deposits, so there's no need to buy distilled water.
Note: iron a rag the first time (cleans out any old deposits).

Knives - Keep your knives sharp by placing a few drops of Basic-
H® on your cutting stone and keeping it moist. Basic-H® won't
clog the stone, and leaves it free of residue when rinsed.

Aquariums - 5 mL in 1 L (1 teaspoon in 1 quart) of water for
rocks, coral and the entire aquarium. Rinse thoroughly.

Fish Odours - 15 mL per litre (1 tablespoon per quart) of water.

Boat Algae - 15 mL per 4.5 L (1 tablespoon per gallon) of water.

Diapers - 2.5 mL (1/2 teaspoon) plus one drop of Basic-
Germicide in a pail of water.

Spray "Snow" or Poster Paint on Windows - 2.5 mL in 1 L (1/2
teaspoon in 1 quart) of warm water to remove.

Wallpaper - 30 mL (2 tablespoons) in a pail of hot water to
remove. Apply with a mop and lift off. Use a solution of 15 mL
per 4.5 L (1 tablespoon per gallon) of water to clean off the residue.

Frying Vats - Use 125 mL in 13.5 L (1/2 cup in 3 gallons) of
water. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Dissipates
stubborn crust without damaging vats.


Hands - Place a few drops on one palm and rub thoroughly over
both hands. Add a little water, continue cleaning, then rinse.
Removes tobacco stains, grease, and onion and garlic odours.

Bathing - 10 mL (2 teaspoons) in a tub of warm water. Run water
full force to make suds. Leaves no bathtub ring. For babies,
use only 5 mL (1 teaspoon). Less alkaline than baby soap.

Gum - Use full strength to remove gum from skin, carpet, or

Painting and Dyeing - Apply full strength to hands before
painting or dyeing, and allow to dry. Paint or dye will wash
off easily afterward - this is called the "invisible glove."

- Two drops on a wet cloth to clean. Shine shoes with a
dry cloth.

Eye Glasses - Fill a 110 mL (4 ounce) spray bottle with water
and one drop of Basic-H®.


Washing - 15 mL in 4.5 L (1 tablespoon in 1 gallon) of water.
Easily removes insects and road grime. Wash a small area at a
time. Hose off. Wipe windshield, windows and chrome after
rinsing; the rest of the car dries without spots or streaks.

Battery Terminals - 2.5 mL in 0.5 L (1/2 teaspoon in 1 pint) of
water. Spray on, let soak for 2 minutes, then clean with a wire

Windshield - Add 5-6 drops to 1 L (1 quart) of water and fill
windshield washer reservoir. Add anti-freeze solution in the

- 62.5 mL in 4.5 L (1 ounce in 1 gallon) of water. Will
not affect paint, gaskets, or insulating material. For best
results, clean when the engine is hot (ignition system will dry

White Walls - 5 mL in 1 L (1 teaspoon in 1 quart) of water.

Changing Tires - Add 2.5 mL (1/2 teaspoon) to a 500 mL (16
ounce) Spray Bottle filled with water. Spray on rims; tires go
on easier.

Commercial Car Wash - 1 L Basic-H® in 450 L (1 quart in 100
gallon) water tank.


House Plants - Wipe down leaves with a mixture of a few drops
of Basic-H® in a 500 mL (16 ounce) Spray Unit filled with water.

Outside Windows and Screens - Spray with a mixture of 5 mL (1
teaspoon) of http://www.shaklee.net/malendaz_coleman/product/00015
® and 9 L (2 gallons) of water.

Humidifiers - Add 3-4 drops to help prevent rust, scum and
mineral deposits.

Concrete and Mortar Mix - Add 62.5 mL (1 ounce) to each 4.5 L
(1 gallon) of water used. Makes mixture easier to spread.

Water-Soluble Tape Residue - Add 4-6 drops to a 500 mL (16
ounce) spray bottle filled with water.

Paint Brushes - Work full-strength Basic-H® into brushes and
wash under the tap.

Skunk Odour - 30 mL in 4.5 L (2 tablespoons in 1 gallon) of water.

Radiograph Pens - A few drops of Basic-H® will clean
engineering pens and keep them working smoothly.

Camping Pots and Pans - Coat bottom of pots and pans with full-
Basic-H® before cooking to make cleanup easier.

Fire Extinguisher - 5 mL in 1 L (1 teaspoon in 1 quart) of
water in a large spray bottle.

Leather - Put 2 drops on a damp sponge, then wipe the item dry.
Basic-H® cleans leather better than saddle soap.

Laboratories - Excellent for cleaning glass slides used under
microscopes and blood-stained test tubes. Use 2-4 drops of
Basic-H® in 0.5 L (1 pint) of water. Glass will smear if more
than the recommended amount of Basic-H® is used.

Plaster Casts - Place a few drops on one palm, rub thoroughly
over hands, and a little water to remove plaster from hands.

Vinyl Upholstery - 5 mL in 1 L (1 teaspoon in 1 quart) of

Golf Clubs - Add 5 mL (1 teaspoon) to a 110 mL (4 ounce) spray
. Spray solution on clubs and brush off dirt. Also
excellent for cleaning golf gloves.


* Basic-H® is the most economical and versatile cleaner you can
buy. 1 L makes 288 L (64 gallons) of cleaning solution. Do not
use more than the recommended amount, as a little goes a long,
long way!
* Basic-H® makes water wetter.
* Do not put any foreign matter into your Basic-H® container.
Large amounts of bacteria can degrade and weaken the product.

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